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E-balance sheet for start-ups

E-balance sheet preparation made easy

With eBilanz-Online, obligated start-ups throughout Germany can create their opening balance sheet online in no time at all. But who is obliged to prepare an e-balance sheet?

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E-Bilanz für Neugründer Illustration

Create opening balance sheet in eBilanz-Online

You can easily import data from external accounting systems to create your opening balance sheet. When creating your e-balance sheet, you also benefit from mappings of the standard SKR 03 and SKR 04 charts of accounts. You can easily transfer mappings based on the selected standard charts of accounts, and individual adjustments can be easily made before submitting. Manual data entry is also possible, and the user manual in the login area provides you with valuable tips on creating and transferring your e-balance sheet.

are obliged to prepare an e-balance sheet:

  • Anyone with unlimited tax liability who calculates their profit by comparing business assets (balance sheet) in accordance with Sections 4 (1), 5 or 5a of the Income Tax Act
  • All entrepreneurs as well as farmers and foresters who operate an independent commercial business
  • partnerships and corporations (including OHG, KG and GmbH, AG)
  • non-merchants (if they exceed the limits of § 141 AO)
  • Partnerships, sole proprietorships and farmers and foresters if they voluntarily register in the commercial register

Preparation and transmission of financial information – all from a single source

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