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Questions about mapping

What taxonomies are supported by eBilanz-Online?

All taxonomies for the electronic balance sheet as approved by the fiscal authority are supported, besides the most recent taxonomies for disclosure in the Federal Gazette, according to commercial law. Other than the standard taxonomy, this also includes supplementing and special taxonomies. You can find more information regarding the application of the taxonomies on the websites https://www.esteuer.de and https://www.xbrl.de.

What do I do if the fiscal authority publishes a new taxonomy?

eBilanz-Online is always up to date.
The fiscal authority updates the taxonomies underlying the transmission and the ERiC (Elster Rich Client) needed for the transmission of the XBRL instance file at regular intervals. Shortly after the publication of a new taxonomy, it will be made available to eBilanz-Online. A transmission based on the new taxonomy will then be possible for such assessment periods for which this taxonomy has been approved. For this purpose, merely a new process to which the new taxonomy will be attributed has to be created in eBilanz-Online.

Does eBilanz-Online support the mapping of my trial balance on the taxonomy?

Yes. In the import area of eBilanz-Online, not only cost budgets but also the complete structures for the balance sheet and profit and loss statement can be mapped onto the respectively needed taxonomy. To do so, a so-called drag-and-drop feature is available. There is furthermore the possibility to import a mapping created outside of eBilanz-Online by means of an Excel interface.

How can I define mapping rules?

By defining mapping rules once in advance, there will be no need to apply a “mapping” in the following masks again. Under “account mapping” in the import area, an attribution file can be downloaded in the Excel format as a template (“save mapping file locally”) to make the accounts consistent with the chosen taxonomy. By uploading the processed file afterwards, the rules are defined in eBilanz-Online and stored immediately in all masks. After this, Excel files with accounts and values can then be imported in the mask “account balances for mapping” without conducting a repeated mapping.

For SAP users and users of the DATEV no. 03 and no. 04 standard chart of accounts, the following add-ons are offered to simplify the required mapping process in eBilanz-Online:

  1. DATEV standard mapping
    DATEV standard mapping businesses using DATEV no. 03 and no. 04 standard chart of accounts have the option to use a simplified standard mapping for the transmission of the DATEV chart of accounts in eBilanz-Online.
  2. SAP Mapping Assistant
    SAP offers a “Mapping Assistant”, which helps the users align their values with the chosen taxonomy. The result can be downloaded from SAP as .txt file. You now have the option to import this .txt file into eBilanz-Online subsequently. The file can be uploaded in the import area using the option “Values for taxonomy IDs (without mapping). Further mapping in eBilanz-Online will not be required. All necessary mappings have now been made.
  3. Balance sheet and P&L structures from SAP
    To simplify mapping a company’s main ledger accounts to the taxonomy, an overall structure exported from SAP can be imported to eBilanz-Online in the import area under “Balance sheet and P&L structure”. It is possible here to upload templates in the .csv or .txt format. To be able to upload a file generated in SAP to the “balance sheet and P&L structure”, it must contain a correct hierarchical structure. The structure must show the hierarchies between all accounts and items on the balance sheet. It must be considered that importing a balance sheet and P&L structure does not replace the mapping. This will still be required then in the individual masks by means of drag-and-drop.

What charts of accounts are supported by eBilanz-Online?

eBilanz-Online generally accepts all charts of accounts. Thus, also custom charts of accounts can be imported and mapped.
There is the additional option for SAP users to import entire balance sheet structures and simplify the account mapping.
For the DATEV standard charts of accounts (SKR 03 and SKR 04), pre-set standard mappings are made available.

Does eBilanz-Online support the preparation of offsetting and reconciliation statements?

Yes. A separate feature is provided in eBilanz-Online for the drafting of offsetting and reconciliation statements. In this feature, the values of the commercial balance sheet are automatically adopted and they can be adjusted to the tax valuations.

Can data from the previous period be adopted in the current period in eBilanz-Online?

Yes, both the GCD (master data module) as well as the GAAP module (annual accounts module) offer the possibility to export the entered data as an Excel file. This way, data from the previous period can be exported and re-imported to the current period.

Does an offsetting and reconciliation statement have to be transferred?

In accordance with the requirements of the fiscal authority, you have the possibility to transfer a commercial balance sheet with offsetting and reconciliation statement or a tax balance sheet (balance sheet meeting tax regulations). If you notified submission of a commercial balance sheet including an offsetting and reconciliation statement, the offsetting and reconciliation statement (tax modifications) must also be transferred.

How can I enter my data into eBilanz-Online? Does the application offer interfaces for importing my data?

eBilanz-Online is always up to date.
You can enter the data manually from your accounting into eBilanz-Online in the areas intended for this purpose (import module, GCD module, GAAP module) or import it via a convenient Excel interface. All charts of accounts are supported, for example, DATEV or also custom charts of accounts.

Can the import of data be limited to the required fields?

Yes, for as long as the values are attributed uniquely to the taxonomy IDs, this can be done. eBilanz-Online sorts the values correctly (also in the GCD mask) in each case and then displays, e.g. the complete GCD fields as they are prescribed in the taxonomy. All fields that are imported empty will automatically be valued as “NIL” (Not In List).

Do you have anymore questions? Then call us free of charge on: 0800 – 1 23 43 36

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