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Deadlines for tax returns

What are the filing deadlines for tax returns in 2025?

  • until 31.07.2025 for non-advised cases for the tax period of 2024
  • until 02.06.2025 for advised cases in the tax period of 2023

What are the filing deadlines for tax returns in 2024?

  • until 02.09.2024 for non-advised cases for the tax period of 2023
  • until 31.07.2024 for advised cases in the tax period of 2022

For further information, please read here: BMF, letter dated 23.6.2022, IV A 3 – S 0261/20/10001 :018 (German)

What are the filing deadlines for tax returns in 2024?

  • until 31.12.2024 for accounting documents with the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2023
  • until 02.04.2024* for accounting documents with the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2022

* The original deadline was extended

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