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Info! Use your personal voucher to transfer the Digital Financial Report free of charge. For the free transfer of the DiFin, simply enter DIFIN2023-EBO in the field provided during the transfer.

Don't have an account? Create one


Don't have an account? Create one

Advantages of the eBilanz – Online application

Do you have any questions? Then call us free of charge: +49 800 – 1 23 43 36

Create e-balance sheet now
Don’t have an account yet? Register now

Advantages for tax consultants

  • User administration for simultaneous access by several employees of a law firm
  • Mapping of the clients’ total balance lists to the taxonomy of the tax authorities
  • Use of predefined mappings of SKR 03/04 to the taxonomy of the tax authorities
  • Possibility to transfer mapping rules between clients
  • Further use of data from eBilanz-Online, e.g. for the purposes of disclosure to Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH or creditworthiness checks at banks.

Advantages for companies & small businesses

  • Reduction of administrative costs
  • Time saving as no software installation and maintenance required
  • Parallel use to in-house installed applications
  • Implementation of a file-based SAP interface
  • Automatic availability of the latest taxonomies
  • Cost savings, as no fixed costs are incurred
  • Further use of data from eBilanz-Online, e.g. for disclosure purposes with Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH or for creditworthiness checks with banks.

Advantages for start-ups

  • Cost savings, as no fixed costs are incurred
  • Possible data transfer from external accounting systems
  • Free & certified customer service for queries
  • Reusability of data for the following year
  • Further use of the data from eBilanz-Online, e.g. for disclosure purposes with Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH or for creditworthiness checks with banks.

Advantages for software developers

  • Possibility of delivering master and transaction data (GCDs, balance sheet, P&L, etc.) via a web service
  • No additional costs arise for ERP system providers or other software developers from using the web service
  • Increase in the degree of automation of data processing
  • No file-based import necessary – thus avoiding media disruptions
  • Temporal decoupling of data import and data processing

Advantages for local authorities

  • Transfer of the e-balance sheet for commercial businesses (BgA) and business operations
  • Cost savings, as no fixed costs are incurred
  • Reduction in administrative costs
  • Possible data transfer from external accounting systems
  • Reusability of data for the following year
  • High data security